About the Topic
As the energy transition continues, the process of modeling and analyzing energy systems must evolve to take into consideration a variety of scenarios, from adoption of various DER classes (distributed solar, heat pumps, electric vehicles, grid-responsive loads) to penetration of grid-scale renewables and energy storage (and the associated retirement of legacy power plants). These scenarios include more interactivity across the T&D interface, as well as the interaction across electric and natural gas distribution grids (namely, by way of electrification).
Current-state processes and tools have worked well for decades, but soon, new tools and processes will need to be in place so that utilities can plan grids that will continue to operate safely, reliably, and affordably in the future.
This Event will provide an overview of commercially-available energy system planning tools, most of which are time-honored solutions provided by industry incumbents. But some emerging vendors are coming to market, who are aiming to provide toolsets that can unify planning departments (and their analyses).
About the Innovator
encoord is a software firm focused on helping utilities enhance their energy system modeling and analysis capabilities. The company has recognized the rapid change in energy markets (driven by regulation, demand for decarbonization, and the integration of new technologies), thus it offers an integrated planning tool to help utilities meet new goals and mitigate new risks. encoord's main offering is called the Scenario Analysis Interface (SAInt) integrated planning platform. SAInt advances integrated energy system planning by allowing users to model integrated energy networks together in one tool, including;
About the Audience
This Event will be of interest to folks directly involved with generation, transmission and/or distribution grid planning and analysis, as well as gas distribution analysis. Further, this Event will help inform anyone who seeks to understand how grid operators and utilities plan investments, which analyses are involved, and which tools they use to conduct those analyses. This may include professionals involved with developing or implementing corporate strategy, setting and achieving decarbonization goals, and designing and deploying energy projects.