June 5, 2019
12:00 PM - 12:00 AM GMT
Houston, Texas
This Digital Technologies Forum features emerging technology vendors that either provide enabling solutions that cut across the E&P value chain to support petro-technical use cases, or are focused on corporate operations (HSE, supply chain, etc.) and decision support.
Oil & Gas
Adopting digital technology to support critical decisions has transitioned from a novel change concept in the early 2000’s to a core strategy element for most E&P companies today. As of this writing, Darcy estimates that 50% of the E&P market has invested in some form of digital or data science team since 2014, and we have moved from concept to a ‘new normal’ with ongoing challenges and opportunities related to:
- Rapid increases in the volume of metrics and data sources
- A deluge of new and existing vendors claiming capabilities
- Uncertainty about the impact that innovation and proprietary locks will have on obsolescence / compatibility
Study Scope:
- Economics, Reserves and Planning
- Well Life Cycle (mobility, route optimization, fluid handling, equipment uptime)
- Field Development & Asset Optimization
- Data Ingestion & Data Management
- Supply Chain and Procurement
- Technologies which support multiple use cases across the value chain.
- Solutions to Augment DevOps Functions