About the Topic
In 2023, global gas flaring at upstream oil and gas facilities rose by 7%, outpacing a mere 1% increase in oil production. This has led to a 5% increase in flaring intensity, amplifying the environmental impact across the industry. To reduce flaring, you first need to manage it, and that begins with effective flare monitoring.
In this event we'll explore how flare monitoring is one key aspect within broader flaring management and mitigation strategies. We'll discuss OOOOb flare monitoring compliance challenges including Subpart W latest updates and options to comply. Beyond regulatory adherence, we'll also understand how operators can meet the high data quality standards required by environmental programs such as OGMP 2.0 Level 4, ensuring both compliance and environmental responsibility.
About the Innovator
Providence Photonics specializes in remote continuous flare monitoring with their Mantis™ and Mantis™ Lite units through Video Imaging Spectral Radiometry (VISR) technology. Mantis™ measures flare Combustion Efficiency (CE) and Destruction Efficiency (DE), while Mantis™ Lite focuses on flare Net Heating Value (NHV). Recently, the U.S. EPA has published ALT-156 and OTM-56, approving the VISR method developed by Providence Photonics for OOOOb flare compliance monitoring.
About the Speakers
Jon Morris is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Providence Photonics, where he has held the role since 2012, overseeing the development of advanced environmental monitoring technologies. With over 12 years of experience at Providence Photonics, Jon brings deep expertise in strategic technology and applied research, and has a strong background in both environmental technology and integrated circuit design.
Brian Epperson is the Director of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) of Hess Corporation. He has worked in the oil and gas industry for nearly 31 years and has experience in the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors, from environment and regulatory management roles to broader safety, health, and operational roles at both the asset and corporate function level.