Product Overview
Smartpipe develops their HPIR (pr. "Hyper") Class technology (reinforced polyethylene composite pipe) that addresses the issues associated with replacement of aging, corroded, idled or abandoned pipelines that are 6" or greater in diameter, especially those in hard or impossible to access areas.
Smartpipe is designed according to API 15S and ASTM Standard F2896-11. It is a non-invasive, trenchless technology that is keyed for pipeline replacements in difficult areas to restore operation of nonfunctional pipelines, allow change of service on existing pipelines, while monitoring continuously through the use of integrated fiber optic sensing technology.
Smartpipe solutions can be installed on-site through a host pipeline or as a standalone pipeline, minimizing the need for the entire right of way disturbance with the goal of reducing the amount of preparation time and permits.
Large Diameter
Smartpipe can be custom manufactured to a range of diameters to be designed as a "close fit" inside a host pipeline for maximizing product flow capacity. As an alternative, a smaller diameter Smartpipe (i.e. 12") can be inserted in a larger diameter host steel pipeline (i.e. 20"), thus adapting the existing pipeline to current flow and product requirements.
High Pressure
The Smartpipe system is currently designed with safety factors approximately 3x greater than those for steel pipelines. Smartpipe can be utilized within a degraded steel host pipeline, returning the system to or exceeding the original pipeline pressure rating.
Long Pull Lengths
High strength pulling tapes are laid longitudinally along the Smartpipe system, allowing a pull of several miles through a host steel pipeline. This unique advantage is achieved by the use of their mobile assembly plant, allowing continuous Smartpipe production on-site.
Fiber Optic Monitoring
Smartpipe embedded fiber optic monitoring and communication system gives the pipeline operator real-time information on potential threats. The 24/7 monitoring is accurate to approximately one meter and can identify leaks and any pipeline movement, including any third-party intrusion - the most common cause of pipeline incidents.
Faster Project Completion with 70% Lower Carbon Footprint
Smartpipe can be manufactured and installed at a rate of approximately 1 mile per day. Also, due to the minimal disruption of right of way, the permitting and preparation period is shortened.
Used with Host or Standalone Pipeline Smartpipe is a non-intrusive trenchless pipeline replacement technology. They are predominately inserted into an existing pipeline, but is designed to be laid as a fully structural, high-pressure, stand-alone pipeline.
Repurpose Existing Pipelines
The reinforced thermoplastic pipe allows for a change in service (i.e. Hydrogen, or other) in existing pipelines.
Business Model
They will install and gather data. Looking now for partnerships and pilots. ~1 year lead time with close engagement during engineering and planning process.
Technology Innovations
- Material choice and fiber reinforcement design/engineering for larger pipeline size and higher pressure potential
- Integrated fiber optic monitoring capabilities
- Novel mobile assembly plant concept with on-site continuous production
High Pressure Applications – with the inclusion of specialized high strength fabrics, they are currently able to use their XPL-300 system in high-pressure applications with an MAOP up to 1,440+ psi. They are able to produce their system for direct burial pipe, but it is normally inserted into an existing host steel pipeline, even though they do not rely on that host steel pipeline for structural pressure.
Portable Factory – their system is continuously manufactured and inserted into the host pipeline using a portable factory, which they set up close to or next to the host pipeline. Their present size range for the XPL-300 system for long segments is from 4” to 16”. However, larger diameters will be achieved in a few months once delivery of the new portable factory is completed.
Longer Pulls – with the inclusion of the pulling tapes, laid longitudinally along the complete length of the system, they can pull continuously into a pipeline up to several miles in one segment, at a speed of approximately 4ft/min or one mile per day. Prior to insertion into the host pipe, they fold their system into a “C” shape, which reduces the overall circumference by about 40%. It is then reformed to be a maximized fit inside the host pipe. Their system can also be used as a “stand-alone” pipeline. In this case, the “C” forming process would not be required.
24/7 Monitoring & Communication – with the inclusion of the fiber optic monitoring system, they provide a means of continuous monitoring of the pipeline for leakage and movement, which includes the ability to detect third party intrusion. Additionally, the fiber optics cables can be used by third parties for telecommunications purposes.
Hydrogen Piping Standard B31.12, Code Case 200: Smartpipe has been tested by the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River National Laboratories as described and illustrated in the latest Hydrogen Piping Standard B31.12, Code Case 200.